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Gift Box- Tigers Eye Teardrop, Chocolate Aragonite Sphere and cubes, Palo Santos

Gift Box- Tigers Eye Teardrop, Chocolate Aragonite Sphere and cubes, Palo Santos


Sphere-2.3inch 9.2 oz.

Tear Drop- 3.4 inch L X 1.62 inch W

Heart 1.45 H X 1.81 L

Cube 1- .8 oz .87 X .92 X .69 Cube 2- .8 oz .93 X .78 X.70


This box packs a powerful punch for home and 'to-go'! 


Brown "Chocolate: Argonite Sphere and cubes. Said to help with understanding, nuturing, grounding, and emotional stability.  

Tigers Eye aids in self-confidence and inner strength. Grounding and stability.

Palo Santos, Stress Relief.

Only 1 left in stock
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